Time Line of Gene Therapy Discoveries

1944 – It was first discovered that a gene can be transferred from cell to cell.

1952 – It was discovered that you could pass on genes from a virus to another cell and this was demonstrated in the virus Salmonella.
 20th September 1970 -First attempt to perform gene therapy on a human being by S. Rogers. This was conducted with the Shope Popilloma virus.

1970’s - Dr Richard Mulligan proposes ideas to a panel of academics to use Gene Therapy in more human bodies.

 1980’s - The public’s confidence was raised due to successes in the field that was announced to the public, they were soon to be discarded.

 1983 - Scientists proposed gene therapy as treatment of Lesch-Nyhan disease.

14th September 1990 – 4 year old Ashanti DaSilva was cured of SCID (Severe Combined Immune Deficiency) in the U.S.

1991- US government provided $58 million for the research of Gene Therapy is Labs.

 17th September 1999 – A Man died from the treatment he was given, cells became affected from injection

2007-2008 - There were trials conducted to research the cure of blindness and eyesight problems.